These delicious patties were inspired by falafel ! 

A really simple recipe that began by soaking a pound of organic garbanzo beans. I chose Rancho Gordo Beans , a local company in the San Francisco Bay Area.

1 pound soaked garbanzo beans

1 bunch cilantro 

1 bunch curly leaf parsley

2 inches piece fresh ginger

2 inches piece fresh turmeric

1 bunch green garlic chives

1 tablespoon sumac powder

2 tablespoons fenugreek powder

2 tablespoons cumin powder

2 tablespoons coriander powder

1 tablespoon Himalayan pink salt

2/3 cup chia seeds

4-5 tablespoons raw, organic coconut oil

  1. Grind together the garbanzo beans, cilantro, garlic chives , ginger, turmeric and parsley. I used the food processor and ground till almost smooth. Remember it will not be smooth like a hummus paste as the beans are not cooked. Will be similar to cornmeal texture.( gritty). Transfer to a large bowl.
  2. Add all the powdered spices and chia seeds and salt. Mix the mixture well and let sit for about 15 - 20 minutes. 
  3. Heat a non stick  or seasoned cast iron pan. Use a 1/2 cup measuring cup for sizing the patties. Scoop. Fill the cup and pat. Add a little coconut oil in the pan. Add the patties to the hot pan. Cook on medium heat for about 6 minutes on EACH side with a lid on . The steam helps cook the mixture ! 

Serving suggestions :

  • Great as veggie burgers with lettuce, tomato, onion, ketchup and mustard between buns .
  • Gluten free Paleo style with a favorite green salad...
  • As falafels in pita bread
  • I love mine with tamarind chutney, yogurt mint chutney Indian Chaat style 

Serves 16-18 

Would like to add that there is so much more that the recipe does not cover. The intentions and the mindfullness from the sourcing of the ingredients to the process of cooking , serving and eating .

